
5 Tips To Help Run A Better Business

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // January 2, 2019

As a real estate investor, you are in charge of your business. One of the biggest adjustments new investors make is transitioning from making offers to actually running a business. Regardless of how many deals you close you must treat real estate like a business. At the end of the day if your bottom line […]

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What’s Your Exit Strategy?

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // December 26, 2018

Having a good deal fall on your lap is only beneficial if you know what to do with it. There will be times in your business when you will be presented with what appears to be a solid deal. Without even thinking you rush to take ownership with the intention of just figuring it out […]

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5 Essential People To Add To Your Real Estate Team

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // December 19, 2018

The strength of your investing business is in the people you surround yourself with. You can have access to capital and a good plan on putting it to use, but if your team is poor, ultimately you will suffer. The importance of your team is magnified as you are just starting out. You are pulled […]

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Factors To Consider Before An Offer On A Rehab Property

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // December 12, 2018

Getting a good deal on a rehab property is not enough to ensure a profit. If you buy in the wrong market it truly won’t matter how low your offer is. Prior to making an offer, or even exploring a property, there are a handful of key items you need to do your homework on. […]

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Stuck In A Rut? Use These 5 Tips To Help Break Free

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // December 5, 2018

Every investor has a stretch where nothing goes right. They struggle getting offers accepted, deals fall through, and they can’t come up with new ways of generating business. It is during these periods where your mettle is tested, and your business is defined. It is essential to dig in and work even harder to come […]

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4 (Weird) Threats to Your Property Value

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // November 28, 2018

Every homeowner likes making their house unique, but it’s not always good to stand out. Sometimes what you think gives your home character will actually drive down your property value when you list your house on the market. Here are four odd threats to your sticker price you should be aware of: 1)    Bigger Isn’t Always […]

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Read This Before Buying Your First Vacation Rental Property

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // November 21, 2018

With summer in full swing it is prime time for vacation season. Right now, you may be reading this on the front porch of your vacation home with the sun just coming up and a cup of coffee by your side. You have been coming to the same spot every summer and just started considering […]

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5 Mistakes You Should Never Repeat Twice

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // November 14, 2018

Everyone in business makes mistakes. When you are self-employed your mistakes tend to sting a little bit more. Instead of explaining yourself to a boss, there is nobody to blame but yourself. Under the right circumstances a mistake can be used a learning experience. However, if you continue to make the same mistake again eventually […]

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Improve Your Next Email Campaign With These 5 Easy Tips

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // November 7, 2018

Marketing and lead generation are the cornerstone of your business. With a steady flow of leads coming in you should be able to maintain a consistent pipeline. The minute you start neglecting your marketing your business will come to a screeching halt. As difficult as marketing can be at times there are more options in […]

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5 Biggest Fears Of Owning A Rental Property (That You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of)

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // October 31, 2018

A healthy real estate portfolio is one of the keys to true long-term wealth. Even a sole single-family rental can completely change your financial outlook. As much as you may see the upside with a rental, there are a handful of negatives that can be difficult to ignore. There is no question that if you […]

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