
5 Ways To Fund Your Next Purchase

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // October 24, 2018

Finding deals is one thing, funding them is another. There are a handful of ways you can fund your next purchase. While all the exotic stated income and 100% loan products are long gone, there are other options available. Some require some upfront capital, but most of them require nothing more than a plan in place […]

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Investors Can’t Afford to Sleep on the Booming Memphis Real Estate Market

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // October 17, 2018

Investors Can’t Afford to Sleep on the Booming Memphis Real Estate Market  When an opportunity is at your doorstep, it’s best to pay attention. For real estate investors, there is nothing more exciting than a real estate market on the rise. The moves we’ve seen in the Memphis real estate market over the past year shows […]

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We are looking for more houses!

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // October 11, 2018

                              This week at RD Property Solutions we are doing a TON of marketing because we need more houses! If you or anyone you know is looking to sell a property in Montgomery or Berks County give us a call today, […]

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Selling a Home: How to Choose Between 5 Different Offers

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // October 3, 2018

Selling a home? Which offer will you accept? When you put your home up for sale you’ll attract all types of offers. The most notable difference between these offers is normally financing, and how buyers intend to pay for their purchase. So what types of bids might you get? Which are the best choices for […]

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Improve Your Next Email Campaign With These 5 Easy Tips

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // September 26, 2018

Marketing and lead generation are the cornerstone of your business. With a steady flow of leads coming in you should be able to maintain a consistent pipeline. The minute you start neglecting your marketing your business will come to a screeching halt. As difficult as marketing can be at times there are more options in […]

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How To Turn Every Deal Into A Learning Experience

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // September 19, 2018

Real estate investing is a numbers game for a reason. Regardless of how well run your business is, deals will fall out from time to time. The more deals you have in the pipeline the easier it is to withstand the occasional lost deal. What can never happen is making the same mistake twice. Anyone […]

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5 Characteristics That Separate The Good From The Great

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // September 12, 2018

The reality of the real estate investing business is that for every new investor that knocks it out of the park there are five others that struggle getting off the ground. Even though they all start on a level playing field some manage to find deals just a little quicker. The longer you are in […]

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Memphis & the Rental Revolution: Why More Americans Are Turning Into Renters

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // September 5, 2018

In the U.S., the attitude towards renting versus homeownership has been changing for years now. With this year’s tax reform shifting and reducing some of the benefits of owning a home, we’re seeing more and more change in the narrative around purchasing a home versus renting debate. And everything points to good news for real […]

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How To Estimate An Accurate ARV (After Repair Value)

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // August 29, 2018

One of the major components in a successful house flip is properly estimating your after-repair value. You can do great work on the property but if you are off the mark with your ARV the deal won’t be as successful as you anticipated. Experienced rehabbers understand that simply making improvements doesn’t always increase the value. […]

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What To Look For From A Hard Money Lender

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // August 22, 2018

One of the fastest growing areas in real estate over the past decade is private financing. When the market collapsed many of the traditional lenders went out of business. This created a new market for financing and the demand for hard money financing exploded. What was once a niche sector of the market that catered […]

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