
Looking To Get Started In Real Estate? Start By Answering These Five Essential Questions

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // March 7, 2018

Anyone can invest in real estate. You don’t need a degree or an expensive license to make an offer. Someone with twenty years’ experience has the same opportunity as a new investor looking for their first deal. Many of the real estate investors you see on TV struggled for years before finding their grove. The […]

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5 Tips To Help Run A Better Business

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 28, 2018

As a real estate investor, you are in charge of your business. One of the biggest adjustments new investors make is transitioning from making offers to actually running a business. Regardless of how many deals you close you must treat real estate like a business. At the end of the day if your bottom line is […]

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6 Tips To Help Improve Business Negotiation

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 26, 2018

Negotiation is an essential part in almost everything you do. Without even realizing it you negotiate with your spouse, kids, business partner, contractor and attorney on a daily basis. Some negotiations are worth thousands of dollars and others are strictly for principal. It is human nature to try to win every negotiation we are part […]

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What Is Your Investing Niche?

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 23, 2018

Regardless if you close a deal a month or a handful a year it is important to have a specific investing niche. Many investors think that being a jack of all trades and investing in numerous different areas of the business is a hidden key to a strong portfolio. While this is true over time […]

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6 Red Flags With Any Rental Property Purchase

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 21, 2018

A quality rental property can completely transform your portfolio. The idea of having tenants provide you with monthly cash flow while reducing your loan balance is a very appealing thought. However, not every property makes a good rental. It is important to always do your due diligence on every prospective rental purchase you make. There are times […]

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Inflation Data Pushes Mortgage Rates Higher After Days of Stability

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 19, 2018

After several days of relative stability in the midst of broader financial market turmoil, stronger-than-expected Valentine’s Day inflation report helped push mortgage interest rates to their highest point in almost four years this week. The average prime 30-year fixed mortgage rate quoted on Zillow increased by almost 10 basis points on Wednesday to 4.27 percent, […]

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Skylights and Glass Tile Transform an Attic Into a Spa-Like Bath

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 14, 2018

A Minnesota bathroom tucked beneath the eaves features mosaic tile, a built-in tub and a marble shower Photos by Seth Both Photography Bathroom at a Glance Who lives here: A professional couple Location: Minneapolis Size: About 300 square feet (28 square meters) Designer: Lisa Albers of Albers Design  Seeing potential in their unfinished second-story attic, the homeowners reached […]

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4 Next-Level Real Estate Investment Goals to Make the Most of 2018

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 12, 2018

Now that we’re a few weeks into the New Year, it’s a good time to make sure any resolutions you may have made for 2018 are on track. The goal of a new year’s resolution is to affect real, positive change in our lives. Sometimes we just don’t know where to really start and it’s […]

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Top Tips for Setting (And Achieving) Profit Goals in Real Estate Investment

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 9, 2018

Everyone would like to bring in more money, wouldn’t they? It would be great to increase our profit margins, whether it’s in business or in our investments. When it comes to setting and reaching new profit goals, it is certainly easier said than done. We would like to believe it’s as easy as saying we […]

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To-Dos: Your February Home Checklist

Posted by Dawn O'Hara // February 5, 2018

Keep your home fresh and organized this month while you plan for warmer days ahead February is a time of year to indulge in home comforts like cooking big-batch meals, reading in the afternoon and watching movies with the family. Here are a dozen ideas to add to your to-do list this month, from the […]

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