
Submit Your Info!

How to Apply

Submit your information online by filling out our Contractor Application below and we will follow up with you shortly!

How we help you:
  • We provide a detailed scope of work on each job to make bidding fast and easy
  • We can help you create new business
  • We are part of a national network of investors
  • We love to pay our contractors



How does it work?

-Step 1-
Download & Fill Out Our Contractor Application Below, then send it to us at
-Step 2-
You will be contacted by our team.
-Step 3-
You bid on the property based off of our detailed scope of work
-Step 4-
When Approved you start work.  We love paying for completed work

Click Here to Download The Applicationpdf

You Can Also Call Us To Apply:


Contractor Application: Submit Your Info Online

Name and Contact Details

Full Name :


Zip Code
Company Name*
Work Phone*
Home Phone
Cell Phone

Experience & Insurance

Specialized Field*
License Number*
Are you licensed and insured?* YesNo
How much coverage?*
License updated:*
How long have you been doing business in the area?*
How long have you been running your own crew?*
How many on your crew are full-time?*

Upload Copies of your Contractor's License & W9

Upload Copy of Contractors License
Please upload a copy of your contractor's license. Note: This is optional, you may present a copy in person.
Upload a Copy of Your W9
Please upload a copy of your W9. Note: This is optional, you may present a copy in person

Current Projects & Bidding

How many projects do you have going on right now?
In the past year?
How many jobs do you typically handle at once?
Can we see the work on one or two recent jobs?
Can we see the work on one or two recent jobs?
What are the addresses?
How do you usually bid out your work?
Do you give written warranties for your work?
How long are your warranties?

Sub-Contractors & More Prescreening

Do you use subcontractors?
Are they licensed and insured?
Who is your electrician?
Who is your plumber?
Do you belong to the Better Business Bureau or local Chamber of Commerce?
Do you have any certificates/licenses regarding the skills you have?
Have you ever declared bankruptcy?
How often do you communicate with your clients during a job?
Do you clean the job site daily?
Do you have a problem with signing a lien waiver?


Please provide a list of references, sharing the names and numbers of those you have done work for in the past.

When is the best time to contact you?

Best Date to Contact You?
Best Time to Contact You?

How did you find us?

Lead Source.

Please share any additional comments you may have.

Additional Notes
